Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Collective Angel Card Reading

This weeks card reading is from my Angel Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.
A three card collective pull to show us what the angels have to say. First we have the Renewal card featuring Jeremiel who is here to help us all review and evaluate our current situation. With the Supermoon Eclipse on its way during the Spring Equinox we are all about to shift through a tremendous transition, talk about some spring cleaning!
It is a really important time to be going through and taking a life inventory. What do you have that you are holding onto that no longer serves you? Are you involved in toxic relationships? Do you have secrets that are causing a reaction in your daily life or health? What should you now be releasing as you start a new chapter? There are likely things in your life that are holding you back fro

That being said look to the light, it’s shining bright ahead as the Sun and Archangel Uriel show to remind us that there will be a happy outcome. Though it hurts to have to release the shadows in our lives there is always good reason for us to face our fears. The theme lately has been that big things are happening and they sure are. As always we have gotten through everything to get us this far and the Sun will shine brighter for us in the days ahead as the Spring brings us all to blossom into a high potential for a beneficial future.

Lastly we have an Earth card show also representing the Spring approaching with all the green shown in the visions of the card itself. The Angel basks in the sunshine as he takes comfort in the mountains and warmth while taking in the knowledge he’s learned from the lessons of the winter days past. Skilled work is to be rewarded and whatever you’ve been working toward will be shown in the light. It is still a good time to be taking in as much knowledge as possible and to continue to grow as the green glow of mother nature to begins to regrow around us and push us forward in our growth.

Remember that transitions though they may seem hard will be for the better if you continue to look to the brighter side of things. Remember to SHINE THROUGH even if you don’t necessarily feel like it. It will always lead you to a better view and will help you keep true to you.

Thank you, and shine on always.
m that next big leap. Sometimes the universe has a strange way of getting us to take the big leaps of faith it needs from us to keep shining on our divine path.
-Shantastic Shine.

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