Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Taking a moment to allow the Divine to shine

This weeks reading is a good one! Using my Matters of the Heart Deck by John Holland we have a peak at some cards we haven't seen yet!

First on the spread is the Vitality Card. The Vitality card is here to revitalize our focus, enthusiasm, and joy!

There is great potential to re-vamp relationships , friendships, and connections right now with such a shift in energy. Seize the energy and infuse it with warmth and enthusiasm into all of your connections and relationships. Have fun with other people, and allow yourself to truly feel the shift and bring positivity into not only your own world but those around you as well.

This raised rate of vibration is crucial in the improvements of current relationships and in drawing new bonds to yourself in a positive way. There is magic in the air bringing destined souls together for good reasons. Maybe not romantically but all for good reason.

It's an important time to see others in a new light and set aside any difficulties of your past. Focus on LOVE and the divine purpose of us each being here together in this exact moment for good reason. The more joy you add the higher the vibration will radiate keeping this feeling of bliss and excitment flowing.

Another important thing is your SPIRIT GUIDES ARE WAITING for you to allow them to help you. You must ask for their help or give them permission to allow magically pushes to manifest for you. Without your permission they will not interfere unless it is to save a life.

Moving to the center pull the MASTER card shows itself as a reminder that we are still meant to be in control of our worlds even with the help of those in the other realms though we MUST RELEASE the FEAR that hides within us. The fear based emotions and decisions being made is was is holding so many of us back from true divine order. While being in control of our own emotions we must hold faith that things are going just as they are suppose to and that all will SHINE THROUGH!

The opposite of fear is unconditional love so please take some time to release that in which you fear at this time and allow the divine to be your guide and embrace your guides that wish to stand by your side.

Release your fears so that you may embrace new manifestations of joy and love into your every day life. Also leading us to our final pull the OBSERVE card. Which asks us to observe our thoughts and maintain them in the most positive ways possible.

The seasons are changing and for many that means warm weather is soon on it's way. Observe the change in mother nature and let the SUN SHINE THROUGH! It will help uplift you too!
 Release the need or desire to direct relationships and events and surrender to the experience.

Train yourself to enjoy the here and now and you will learn a great deal and ultimately get what you truly need. Though sometimes it's hard to release  it's in releasing that we discover what it is we really want even though we may be afraid of the bigger changes it takes us to get to that ultimate desire.

Trust the process and have faith in the journey, let go of the outcome and flow. Though the forward progress sometimes appears to be going tortuously slow , now is the time for patience and all things shall come at the appropriate time. When you are open and allowing of the needed change, it will happen.

Also through simple observing you learn new perspectives to said situations . This may train you to think differently and grow from outside experiences through others eyes. Remember life is all about lessons. Don't forget to take a fresh look with an open mind. You may even be surprised what you find.

Thanks for taking a moment to check out this weeks card reading.

Tune in to www.projectbringmetolife.com at 8 p.m. EST for our weekly show this weeks topics is "being True to You"

Shine on Always
Shantastic shine

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Collective Card Reading March 24,2015 - Spring Cleaning

This weeks card reading I decied to focus on Spring Cleaning.

I used my John Holland Psychic Oracle deck and simple pulled with the intention of the purpose of this years spring cleaning. The spread showed me rather POWERFUL results as the Power card jumped during my pull.


The cards this week show that the clutter in our lives is causing a DISRUPTION as we have been holding on to many things for far to long. Many of us have been cleaning house whether it be physically or emotionally. This happens in the Spring for a reason as it is not only a great time as the weather changes but it is also just all around good energy for new beginnings.

By removing the disruption and clutter from our live we are allowing ourself to release the power of that stuff or emtional drainage along with it.  It is important to renew yourself and your world with a cleanse of energy and detachment from that which no longer serves in your world. Allowing yourself to let those things go will fill you with a power to move forward and achieve desireable MATERIAL & SPIRITUAL PROSPERITY and growth that you have been looking forward to on your journey.

Once you accept that material and spiritual prosperity it is important to show gratefulness and appreciation are you thank the universe and REJOICE IN CELEBRATION. That celebration and thankfulness is necessary to show the universe how truly grateful you are for the experience. Be sure to rejoice in celebration with those you love as this is a good time for bonding and branching out into the worlds of those around you who are also experiencing a more positive shift as the seasons start to change and mother nature gifts us with the pleasures of spring.

Thank you for checking out this weeks Shantastic Shine Card Reading from the Divine.
Don't forget to TUNE IN to www.projectbringmetolife.com at 8 p.m. EST Tuesday and Thursday Nights for live card readings , interviews, and more!

Shine on Always!
<3 Shantastic Shine

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Collective Power Animal Reading for this week

     This weeks card reading is from my Power Animals Deck.  The animals are strongly affected by the energies of solar or lunar eclipses. They also like to show themselves to us in spirit energy form as a reminder that we are all connected.

     This week we have three special animals showing themselves as we make some major shifts in the physical realm.
     Our first power animal is the WOLF . He or she comes as a guardian! To remind us all that we are safe at all times. The Physical , emotional , and psychic barriers you’ve created to protect yourself from past pains and wounds are simply no longer needed. It’s a time to change that pattern of energy and release to a new pattern. You are ready to move beyond the illusion of pain and regret and build a new vision of the world. Your old boundaries are expanding and the new beginnings are starting to find better patterns for your growth. It’s time to trust that Spirit is always available to aide in your protection when you really need it.

      By allowing yourself to relax the barriers you shall be able to access many new experiences that were awaiting your to come out of your comfort zone. Know you still have the barriers accessible to you but only use them as tools rather than a daily crutch through life. Allow yourself to live.
Don’t hold back clutching to some old idea that others won’t love you back. Be outrageous in expressing your love for life and know that your family extends much further than blood. Much further beyond and lines created by heredity, race, or even species. All the beings and even creations on this Earth are connected for a reason. The more you love the more love finds you.

     Next we are visited by the ANTELOPE who reminds us that it is time to make decisions. Decisions often come with change or loss of a different opportunity which may or may not be so bad.  Regardless it’s time to MAKE A DECISION, and take appropriate action.
It is not a time to hesitate. Not even really a good time for discussion. It’s time to embrace your future and make a decision. If you’re going to sit then sit if you’re going to run then run! Even choosing to be still and do nothing can be a wise decision at times especially in life- threatening circumstances. But acknowledge that IS your decision.  It’s an imperative time to make choices based on our highest good to acknowledge our intuition and use it to our advantage. Choices should be made with a combined will of spirit and instinct. The more you are able to fine tune your intuition the more decisive you will be. You’ll start to see the other options don’t really matter and things will start to manifest easier into your path.

     So trust that ultimately whatever decision you make is meant to be the right one.
Our third power animal is the KOALA  who reminds us it is a time to speak less and listen more. Those around us are trying to clue us in to important symbols and information. With the Eclipse happening on March 20th the veil is open for many to be receiving visions or  seemingly random information that is truly coming through for each of us through those we surround ourselves with as if they are conduits for the divine. The viel being so thin is a chance to receive messages from many different energies at this time.

     The koala also comes as Empathy to remind us that we learn from others feelings and experiences as well. Many of us also often use more words than needed. A person can fill the air with words that sometimes cloud the true message so be sure to look outside of the box to find the message that is being transmitted.  Talking so much ourselves can sometimes make us loose the opportunity for a message to channel through.  By talking less you will find immense opportunities to not only listen  but to really hear what is going on around you.
By being silent it also gives you an opportunity to really get to know others in a different way. Ask those around you simple questions and then really tune in to not only the words they say but how they react and their body language. We often forget that we communicate in so many other ways than words.

     Listen closely as you walk through the woods. You an hear the sound of your heartbeat and every breath. The crunch of each leaf or the steps of a critter following your path. Make a point to take some time in the near future to really embrace the silence or lack there of in nature.

     Thanks for allowing me to share these animals and their powerful energy with you this week and remember to shine on always.

<3 Shantastic Shine

Tune in to www.projectbringmetolife.com to check out this weeks podcast featuring this card reading J

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Collective Angel Card Reading

This weeks card reading is from my Angel Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.
A three card collective pull to show us what the angels have to say. First we have the Renewal card featuring Jeremiel who is here to help us all review and evaluate our current situation. With the Supermoon Eclipse on its way during the Spring Equinox we are all about to shift through a tremendous transition, talk about some spring cleaning!
It is a really important time to be going through and taking a life inventory. What do you have that you are holding onto that no longer serves you? Are you involved in toxic relationships? Do you have secrets that are causing a reaction in your daily life or health? What should you now be releasing as you start a new chapter? There are likely things in your life that are holding you back fro

That being said look to the light, it’s shining bright ahead as the Sun and Archangel Uriel show to remind us that there will be a happy outcome. Though it hurts to have to release the shadows in our lives there is always good reason for us to face our fears. The theme lately has been that big things are happening and they sure are. As always we have gotten through everything to get us this far and the Sun will shine brighter for us in the days ahead as the Spring brings us all to blossom into a high potential for a beneficial future.

Lastly we have an Earth card show also representing the Spring approaching with all the green shown in the visions of the card itself. The Angel basks in the sunshine as he takes comfort in the mountains and warmth while taking in the knowledge he’s learned from the lessons of the winter days past. Skilled work is to be rewarded and whatever you’ve been working toward will be shown in the light. It is still a good time to be taking in as much knowledge as possible and to continue to grow as the green glow of mother nature to begins to regrow around us and push us forward in our growth.

Remember that transitions though they may seem hard will be for the better if you continue to look to the brighter side of things. Remember to SHINE THROUGH even if you don’t necessarily feel like it. It will always lead you to a better view and will help you keep true to you.

Thank you, and shine on always.
m that next big leap. Sometimes the universe has a strange way of getting us to take the big leaps of faith it needs from us to keep shining on our divine path.
-Shantastic Shine.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Collective Card Read for 3/2/2015 - 3/9/2015

Last weeks read reminded us that we needed to respectfully stand our ground. This week The cards follow through with the energy forecast where it seems we may be struggling with that feeling of conflict or defeat.

Our center shows us that we must take Authority of our lives as we Rejoice in Celebration to promote magical happenings. ( The magical happenings is percieved through the number 3 that shows on this card, and the fact that our spread contains a 5, 4, 3 countdown pattern. )

We are counting down the days , hours , and minutes until we are full able to grow as one. Though it is approaching quicker as we all realise time is more of an illusion and we can accomplish many more things in a "day" than seemed possible before and we evolve faster and faster in our daily roles.

The Authority Card represents leadership,  logic, and strength.  When this card emerges, it acts as a teaching tool and helps encourage you if you haven't already to take authority in your life. Other traits also include good reasoning and problem solving skills. Also remember to stay grounded.

Now is when we all must act like a leaders and exert our strength as one by working together and incorporating form and structure into ideas , plans, and foundations. It's time to stop talking and act in order to achieve what you must get done.
All hard work is rewarded in a celebration with your tribe or new friends and family come spring "time" which is practically upon us if we allow the faith to carry us to celebration of things to come. 

Tune in Wednesday to www.projectbringmetolife.com for Full Moon readings with Shantastic Shine or Salina Defleur.