Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A Week with Animals Day 3 - The Horse

The horse is here to ask us to LET GO OF ILLUSION. You may be victim to an illusion or the creator of one. Know you have a choice in all your daily situations. Take responsibility for the consequences of your choices. Once you allow this to happen life will automatically shift into expieriencing greater control over your daily life.

Remember that your soul choose to incarnate into this body and timeline for a reason. Each and every person has a purpose and divine path. Embrace it.

Check out this info I found on

"If Horse has crossed your path;

Know that you have the power to change anything and everything you choose in your life. Understand that the wild freedom of the Horse can be harnessed and used for your own benefit and for those around you. This understanding comes only when man and beast enter a silent contract – acknowledging mutual respect and awareness of responsibility to each other.
Alternatively you are being asked to understand that true power is wisdom  found in remembering your journey as a whole. Compassion, caring, teaching, loving, and sharing your gifts, talents and abilities are the gateways to power.
You are also reminded that all pathways have equal validity. Understanding this will give you insight into the power and the glory of a unified family and humanity. Understand that every human being must follow a pathway to empowerment before galloping upon the wings of destiny."

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