Monday, February 9, 2015

Collective Reading for the week of 2/9/2015 - 2/15/2015

This weeks spread was pulled from my favorite Psychic Oracle by John Holland Deck

Looks like the Universe is delivering another message to us. When the Universe card shows it's always to be a strong lesson to be learned. More than 3 cards pulled this week because I had two jumpers while shuffling, which also makes for a strong read.

From the energy of this spread I feel that the universe really wants us to focus on our firm foundations by following our gut feelings. The Solar Plexus card has been showing up a lot lately for this very reason. It represents strength and self will or the " I can " part of our lives.

Once you fully believe in yourself and build a foundation on that to grow from things will start to accelerate at such a fast pace. The Universe card also represents progress and completion of a chapter in life. Many of you reading may be starting something new . This card symbolizes fulfillment, everything you've been working for is within reach. So follow your gut and REACH FOR IT. Stand FIRM on your path and accelerate forward. Wishes DO COME TRUE when you believe they can too.

The Universe wants to fulfill your every dream and desire. That being said be careful what you are focusing your desires on, make them worth it and focused. Create that foundation for which you wish to grow from.

The Firm foundation card shows that you already have an idea of which you wish to move from. You've laid or are in the process of laying a firm groundwork ; by doing so you are creating the confirmation of your fulfillment of wishes and will have a better chance of growing even more in the future. Especially with things in such acceleration.

The Accelerated Motion card is also a spirit card, This means your spirit is in full motion to make your dreams happen. The firm foundation is a red material card meaning that you are creating the foundation in the material world as the spirit world accelerates you forward. Always a nice combination to be working with. Especially as a collective read.
The conditions around us now are slowly perfecting and appearing to be rapidly in the direction of our hopes and dreams so KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

The Fulfillment of Wishes card is an emotion card and says that happiness , success, and good health are on the way! That being said this is the perfect time to release and heal those past memories and energies that have been holding you back. Forgive others and yourself so that wishes and desires have a clear and unobstructed path into your divine path.

<3 As always Thanks for letting me share this beautiful reading with you. I hope you enjoyed
This reading will also be given live during our weekly PROJECT BRING ME TO LIFE podcast on Tuesday at 8 p.m. EST. This weeks guest is musician Dixion's Violin. Hope you can tune in !

-Shantastic Shine

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