Monday, January 26, 2015

3 Card Collective Pull - PBM2L Live Reading

This three card pull shows us that we are all having some strong gut feelings right now. Maybe not sure where to turn or how to act? The Universe is doing some crazy things, and our Authority figures don't seem to like it.

Does it seem like all those you look up to sometimes are looking at you like you're doing something wrong? Do you feel as if you're stomach is twisted in knots? Don't worry you're obviously not alone. Try to remember that we are in the midst of a "Mercury Retrograde" and though it's not something to use as an excuse for everything it will cause some miscommunication and upset stomachs.

The collective is going through some MAJOR changes ( as always it seems right now, but just know we're on the way to some big breakthroughs and things aren't looking to slow down for us any time soon!

Take a deep breath and focus on your Solar Plexus for a moment. Know that it is related to the sound of " Ram" and is a fire elemental energy. The mantra or affirmation for this chakra is " I CAN"...and you shall.

Move forward as you gain strength in your own personal power. Become your own authority. The Universe (card) is telling you to do just that. When this card appears it is to remind us that we have come far on our journey and are to remember that the possibilities are endless. It also shows us that as a collective we are accomplishing goals and reaching the stars. In ancient times, many believed that a star was the soul of one person. They also said that these "souls" shine so brightly to guide others through the darkness.

I recently re-read a favorite quote of mine I feel as if I should share with you all. It is this :
" Let your light shine so bright before all men, so that they to may see how you light the good in the world."

and "Enjoy yourself, It's later than you think."

This has been another blessed reading that I am grateful to share with you all.
Shine on Always.
Shantastic Shine

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