Sunday, January 25, 2015

A week of Fairy Healing - Day 1 - Vacation

I will be trading these cards to a new home in the next few weeks and before I do I felt instructed to use them a bit before they are off to their new home.

I will be doing a card a day for the next 7 days in Fairy Healing. ( Hopefully I will get in the habit and continue to do a card a day for all of you awesome followers <3 )

But here is the first card sent to us by the awesome little fairy's. For this Sunday ( January 25,2015) they ask us to "Vacation."

This may not mean to drop what you're doing and head for the beaches. It could though if you are in need of that sort of thing and have the means to do so. If you're not though don't worry! They're still speaking to you.

The vacation card comes to us as a reminder that we need to break out of our normal routines. Sometimes we get so use to doing the same thing everyday that we forget to live! It is important to take a vacation from your busy duties and embrace the would around you see the colors of the birds , listen to the water from a nearby stream...or facet even.

If you're anything like me though it can seem nearly impossible to take a minute and vacation from you're long list of things to do. But know that everyone has to do it once and a while! Think of a vacation as an investment in yourself, and future. All living things need to rest in order to operate at maximum worth. After your vacation I'm sure your mood and energy levels will be re-charged.

Here is an Affirmation to help you with your day:
" I give myself permission to regularly rest and relax, knowing that by being revitalized I am happier and more productive."-Fairies Oracle Cards - Doreen Virtue

<3 Thanks for checking you're daily card.
-Shantastic Shine-

P.S. Live Card Reading Tuesday during our live 8p.m. EST Project Bring ME to Life podcast.

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